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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/19 in all areas

  1. I have been DL for almost a year, pretty crazy to think that. Thanks everybody who helped along the way.
    3 points
  2. Just wanted to update the community on our new shirts! Shirts will be ready for sale by the end of April. If you would like to get a preorder just PM me
    2 points
  3. I would like to introduce some renderings of what our first run of shirts is going to look like! What does everyone think? Special shout out to @Fred. for getting the designs done. I am looking forward to running these for our community. We are also going to be adding a new decal design too!
    1 point
  4. Looking forward to the new season starting soon. The new trailer didn't exactly provide a lot we didn't already know. But, my wife and I do feel we need to recap what happened in the previous season to start fresh.
    1 point
  5. i die as soon as i recorded
    1 point
  6. lol you fskin anime addict!!
    1 point
  7. Seymour, sorry to tell you, but your 4 days late from the first, good funny joke! (For real tho Congrats!)
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. All Servers: sm_namelock added for Moderators Prevents a player from changing their name to avoid gags/mutes Item messages plugin updated & added where applicable (stacks duplicate item chat messages into one message with a multiplier rather than spamming chat) Trade Servers: Chat updated to be more "tidy" Radio messages removed in chat, they will still occur verbally, however Class respawn messages removed in chat (e.g. "You will respawn as a Spy")
    1 point
  11. If this was Incognito I talked to over TS3 a few days ago... holy s**t that's a huge wall of text. That doesn't mean I didn't read it, though. After reading through what you wrote up in this huge, worthwhile, and valuable post, few thoughts: The Hit Registration To be honest, this has usually been a recurring problem brought up by old players on the server. While most of these players complain about pretty much everything on ZS, their complaints toward our server's hitbox system is fair and worth a look. While I don't usually have an issue with how hit registration works for our server, it's certainly an issue for players who somehow get killed by Tickle Nightmare from miles away. Firstly, Extended Claws has become the staple for being a zombie; being able to hit something farther away is valuable regardless of anything in a videogame. When coupled with a weird hit registration system and someone going the Tickle Monster or Tickle Nightmare, it's understandable to see many players become infuriated over how "broken" it is for these zombies to be able to hit them from behind the cade, or kill them near-instantly behind the cade. But then again, if they were "hugging" the cade like a Kleiner, then it's their fault for dying. Secondly, suggesting a nerf for Extended Claws is probably not the way to go. From my experience being on this server for so long, when something gets nerfed, it becomes so obsolete that it's never used again. This is the common trend with weapons; T2 - T4 weapons have been nerfed left and right from recent patches that have resulted in them never being used again. As for a rework, there are possibilities with that. Rather than reworking the trait, perhaps reworking and/ or adding indicators as to whether someone is in range to strike or not could be a helpful visual aid. We get so many new players on the server that no one knows how far a Tickle Monster can actually hit. Visual aids help with this. Overall, hit registration is a problem on our server, and something that needs to be reworked and reconstructed. Zombie Escape: The Sequel As someone who doesn't like ZE as much as others, at often times, I find it more fun and relieving from playing normal ZS. It's something different, something new, something unique, but most importantly, it remains relevant to what Zombie Survival stands for. As a human, you aren't building barricades, but you're still running from zombies, you're still fighting zombies, and you have guns to kill zombies. This game mode is valuable such that it attracts, garners, and maintains the attention. However, as mentioned by Incognito, there are lingering issues. For one, making it where zombies get knocked back when fired on is ludicrously powerful, but ultimately annoying. From the many times I've played as a zombie on ZE, being knocked back as you're being shot as a zombie is annoying to deal with. It makes the experience of being an powerful, undead creature chasing after humans on a map where running is core boring, and when long-time players on our server die on a ZE map, they know this, so they go AFK or ragequit because they have to deal with this issue. If anything, zombies should only be slowed when shot upon, not knocked back. To compensate for the lack of knockback, the more damage a zombie is receiving at any given time, the stronger the slow effect, and this makes it so team firing is required. The more people firing on a zombie, whether directly or indirectly, the stronger the slow. As for health, I don't think there's much of an issue; it seems fine to me. As for ZE maps and collaboration, the problem nowadays with collaborating is that the other party wants something ridiculously-valuable in return. Even if HG collaborates with other gaming communities, I don't think we're at a point in which we, as a community, can pay back those who helped us establish minor things here and there. This is certainly a risk to take, and rewards aren't guaranteed with risks taken, but it could mean paving the road to greater heights for our ZS server. Weapon Variety and Balance Are many guns on our server obsolete? Yes. Is it the guns' fault alone? No. The reason why many players refuse to use other guns aside from their "favorite" gun is because their "favorite" is usually the "point-whoring favorite." Our ZS server saves points; that's not a surprise there. In fact, having a point save system is what helps our server maintain an ever-growing and steady player base. Unfortunately, it drives people to be greedy, and that greed harms other players in the process. This is no exception when players pick out their weapons. When Wave 3 rolls around on Intermission, I always see so many people purchasing the "Reaper" UMP because it's very strong in base damage, DPS, and stopping power, with low reload time and a decently-sized clip. Unfortunately, with this gun being so heavily favored, all other guns are left in the dark. This lingering issue rises from players' greed, not the guns themselves. From that, it brings up another important question: are the players to blame for weapons being obsolete? Yes and no. Yes, because players will only use the weapon they could profit most off of. No, because while players only use one weapon to make profit, it's the logical and sensible thing to do; you can't blame someone for doing something considered "bad" if it makes the most sense to do it in a given situation for a given reason. If we wanted to balance out our weapons, make some weapons have benefits and drawbacks. Maybe a shotgun has a larger clip, but less damage. Perhaps an assault rifle has a faster firing rate and more damage, but less accuracy. Making guns unique by mixing up weapon attributes as deemed appropriate could be a good way to go, but it will depend on our players for what they want to see and happen in-game. Zombie Classes & Bosses I don' really have much opinion about the suggestions provided for this area of interest because I play human more so than I play zombie. This is best thought about from the z-mains than from me.
    1 point
  12. Team Fortress 2 Improving moderator abilities Contents Improving Situational Awareness while on the Trade Servers How to multi-task with a busy server How and when to use certain commands (As Mod) What to do if you are not a Mod and something is happening Basic Admin Commands In-game Organization (Admins/mods) Possibly one of the most important things to remember when heading on the servers is to keep two things in your mind. Those are; use Admin Commands to keep the server fun and safe, not quiet. As well as, The more strict you are on players, even when they are severely breaking rules, has the chance of making players want to leave because the server is no longer fun. Just because there are a few people on the mic that happen to randomly talk on top of one another, doesn't always mean that it warrants a warning/mute. I've personally been at fault for not remembering that I was a TF2 Mod and now TF2 Staff to enforce HG Rules to keep the servers safe, friendly, and welcoming to the public. I can be flexible with the rules if there is no one complaining about a lot of mic users because it is more fun for the people playing on the server. This can range if there are people who are trading over the mic, so always keep an ear on voice chat. In-game Organization (non-admin/mods) If there are kids inhaling their microphones or portal glitching engineers, always start off with a kind request (2 or more times) for them to stop what rule-breaking activity they might be doing. Afterwards, feel free to use the !report command (!report playername reason). This sends a direct report to TF2 Staff & Moderators. If you feel it is easier to poke someone with Mod access in TS, then feel free to do so. If there are not any Mods+ in the TeamSpeak, then take screenshots & demo recordings (preferably demos) of the player breaking the rule, and submit a ban report here or keep the evidence still there is a Staff Member online. Even if you don't have any access to Admin commands, you are a representative of HeLLsGamers through the -hg-, [HG], HG | tags. You should be damn well proud to be a part of such a developed Online Community as well as the beautiful group of TF2 Leadership and Moderators that are taking care of this division. With that said, you should maintain a respectful stance while on HG Servers as to assist in the positive atmosphere & public figure of HG Servers. Keeping a busy server friendy Don't be afraid to follow proper TF2 Server Moderation Procedures to get rid of a person who is outright breaking the rules and disrupting the other players. Never forget though, do your best to not be overly strict with rules and commands, as they are there to help you keep the server safe and enjoyable for everyone. What to keep an eye on while on a busy server: Normally, if there are around 20 or more players on a server, it's a good thing to join spectator and just give the map a fly-over before joining a team. This helps catch early on if there are any players suspicious for aim-assist, and any map exploiting (i.e. portal glitching, non-melee in the ring, etc). I do this every time I join any server with players on it. Something that I do that can be questionable at times (Prioritizing some situations over others): I prioritize the players who are breaking rules that can affect the score counts of other players first, over someone who might just be mic spamming at the same time. This is because it is normally only Admins+ that can truly stop a situation with a player that is glitching the map or farming points. Anyone can mute anyone client-side (their personal side) of the game through the Score Board if wanted/needed. Although I do my best to never forget to attend a situation. One thing that really helps with this is using automatic recording. More information can be found on that here. How to know when to warn, mute/gag/kick/etc: It really comes from personal experience and time on the servers. You can always contact myself or any other of the TF2 Leadership for questions on the Admin procedures. BUT on the guess that you want to be independent and confident on your abilities, here's this. Mic spammers (a kid with a bad mic, background music when talking, overly sensitive mic, etc) Try and talk to him through voice preferably; tell him that his mic is really loud on this end and to try to move it away from his mouth further. If it continues, help him adjust it in Voice Settings. If it continues, give him an (ALL) ADMIN chat warning, then follow with normal procedure I recommend this strongly because it shows to the other players on the servers that [HG] is always willing to help fix the issue to prevent it in the future, not just warn and mute the player to get rid of them. For people who just play music on the mic, or yell on it, then a warning, or a kind request & warning is more appropriate. Portal glitching Players (Not Engineer Buildings) - The following is based from the Spectator Team view. Portal glitching can only happen by the Snow-Biome Portal and Pyro-House entrance. If you see an enemy get the opposing team member stuck in them at the exit, use the !slay command on the player who was there first. Then you can use @ (ALL) ADMIN chat to warn them. I only slay before a warning if I feel the glitching player will stop/be killed before a slay can be executed. Stay observing the same area for a few minutes, as there are times where either the person who was glitched wants to get revenge in the same way, or the original player who was glitching might continue to. Portal glitching Players (Engineer's Buildings) First, you want to make sure that it is actually portal glitching before warning & destroying/kicking them. The updated map (current one on the server) has "No Build Zones" coded into the map, disallowing any buildings to be built in places where they can glitch people. If there happens to be a situation where any building is getting the opposing team stuck in it, record demo/screenshot proof of it getting players stuck, and then remove the building (Commands List here). Be sure to include your warning immediately before or after the building removal. Continue with the same Procedures. Hack / Aim-Assist Users (All types) To catch an aim-assist user, you need to record with TF2 Demos in 1st person Spectator view. Moderators: If feel confident with the proof collected, make sure you have the demo containing the proof, and ban the player immediately afterwards. Upload the proof to the ban with a website file share link of your choice (must be public) and add it to the ban with the reason. TF2 Staff will then review the ban when possible. Non-Moderators: You have the same requirements of HG Moderators. If possible, you should poke a Mod or Staff member in TS to come on and spectate the suspected aim-assist user. If there is not a Mod+ available to get on the server, spectate them yourself and get sufficient evidence. -Guide to getting sufficient evidence Follow the same requirements of proof (listed just above this) and post a ban report here. Racism / Homophobic slur & Altered / Implied versions Normally there is little to no patience with any sort of racial or homophobic terminology usage. Any grammatical term that represents a specified race in a disrespectful way is prohibited. Any Steam names that contain any versions of the slurs are disallowed as well. Any comments that intend disrespect / harm to a specific race are prohibited, etc. Any comments that intend disrespect / harm to a specific sexual orientation are prohibited, etc. From my experience on the servers, I strongly recommend not giving any patience with people who use any sort of slurs. First instance I hear / see it, I immediately warn for it in (ALL) ADMIN: chat. Any next instances of it that relay to the warning, I silence the player. There is an uneven opinion on the usage of homophobic slurs, but TF2 Division prohibits all use of it, keep this in mind. They are disallowed on HG TF2 Servers as well as our TF2 TeamSpeak channels. Administrative procedures are handled just the same if not more strictly by Divisional Staff there, so remember when you want to mention the use of it to abbreviate it to "The homophobic slur" or other PG terms for it. Basic Admin Commands: Procedural Commands Warnings @ warning For portal glitching, you can do @ playername Do not portal glitch. This is still server-wide warning for everyone, so it counts for other players as well. Mute/Gag/Silence/Kick !mute - /mute playername !gag - /gag playername !silence - /silence playername !kick - /kick playername reason (reasons are required in kicks now) Slay !slay - /slay playername Ban !ban - /ban playername The [HG Bans] gives you an option for the amount of time to ban someone, but it isn't necessary as we use the forums for Ban Reports. Helpful Links! How To Acquire Evidence List of Disallowed Websites Official List Of Leadership and Moderators Preventing Trade & Item Scams Team Fortress 2 Commands List TF2 Rules & Guidelines TF2 Rule Enforcement Procedures If there are any questions/concerns in relation to this topic, feel free to PM me! If you feel something should be added/edited, PM me here on the Forums. Thanks to Admiral MacK to writing this up!
    1 point
  13. Dodgeball Server: These changes are per community feedback. https://hellsgamers.com/forums/topic/139149-dodge-ball-ideas/ The TF2 plugin has been changed to a different one which allows far more configuration on our side. This allows for us to modify homing rockets and rocket types and also fixes various issues including many of the small bugs and larger bugs such as the issues with the nukes. Changed speed up rates, we will see how the new ones are and will take suggestions on modifying speeds/acceleration further. Nuke model changed. Other smaller changes. FOV plugin added. Use !fov to adjust your FOV. New maps added and new default map: tfdb_octagon_a7 (default) tfdb_blucourt_intox tfdb_redcourt_intox Total of 8 maps total now. Other small bug fixes.
    1 point
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