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  1. Introduction Hello, my names Senpai and I've been cading for the server for about 2-3 years now, therefore all these tip and tricks are things I've learned over the years and can be improved upon by others. I'm only making this guide for all players, both veteran and noobs alike. So, start off, let's first define what the role of the cader is: The cader is someone who builds the cade for the server, we can either have multiple caders, or one cader. We are people who hold one of the most important roles in keeping the team alive and are also one of the most riskiest roles in terms of most likely dying as our main objective should be to focus on our cades and figure out how to improve upon our own cades, NOT healing the team, repairing the front, or defending the cade against zombies. Builds what are the things you need when cading? (traits,weapons,etc...) A Carpenter Hammer (50 worth points) Buff (30 Worth Points) - Allows you to move at regular speeds with heavy props (I.E: Shelves, Wardrobes, Tables, etc...) Optional: Prodigy - Adds more health to the props Health traits (Fit & Tough) - Provides more chances to survive incoming attacks Vaccination - Prevents adverse effects from poison (The distortion in view when poisoned is removed) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Started Types Of Cades There are 2 types of cades people should be thinking about in my opinion. LAYERED CADES OR ANT CADES I'll explain each cade indepth, looking at its pro's and con's, as well as it's situational use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To begin with, let us look at the most common cade people build: the ANT CADE. It's called the ant cade as it uses props upon props to cover an entrance, displaying that for each prop that is broken, there is basically another to take its place. Example 1 Reviewing: In this following image, there are 7 props in total, each blocking the door in it's own right. Take for example: #'s 5-7, they are the main props to keep zombies out with the other props from #'s 1-4 are keeping extra reinforcement should #'s 5-7 break. It takes longer for zombies to break through as there are many props to hit, and 90% of the time, the Z team do not aim for just a single prop. Another example of the ant cade which is far more common So now that I've explained how basically the ANT cade looks as well as the priorities that each prop has to the cade, let us look further indepth on the pros and cons of this type of cade as well as what situations should it be used in. Pros Provides lesser needs to repair Hard for zombies to aim for each prop More props around cade (Each prop blocking zombies from entering) Cons Harder to repair props Bloated zombies or any type of AOE damaging zombie can hurt all props ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now onto the other type of cading style: the LAYERED CADE. It's called the layered cade as it involves layers, prioritizing the full utilization off a props health and duration as compared to the ant cade. The utlization of this cade can reach its full potential should there be enough props that are thin or are in the right size for the cader to cover an entrance and use the full life span of a prop with room to spare for the other humans to shoot at the zombies. Example 2 1st Image 2nd image 3rd Image 4th Image Reviewing: In the 1st image, this layered cade reveals the prioritization of what zombies will usually go for into a cade. The reason why layered cades is so powerful is the fact that, with how they are prioritizing the bottom of the cade, the mass amount of props behind each other fully utilizes the life of a prop, which if kept repairing, the fully hp which stems around +2,000 for doors with full nails (not including prodigy) and repairs will amass too ~4,000 HP per door. Meaning with these 4 layers, you will have around +14,000 HP should all props be continuously repaired. Another example of the layered cade full utlization of props, albeit not the best cade, would be the 3rd image. Each number correlates to the prop which would be damaged the most in a regular match, with the crosshair revealing the main area for humans to shoot through. The only problem with this cade would be the fact that theres a main shooting hole, yet to shoot on the other side of where zombies can hit the cade, there is a narrow gap to shoot through. Though this cade utilizes props to it's highest potential, the defense towards zombies is a bit questionable. Pros A ton of overall HP for the cade Stops AOE damage towards all props Easy to repair, focusing usually on one prop to maintain cade Usually a large gap for humans to fire through Quite versatile (Meaning you can easily add props as compared to ant cades) Cons Easy for zombies to hit cade Depending on humans defending/repairing and zombie ratio, may lead to faster rate of props dying Sometimes layers may be in way to cause small model props like revenants to attack cade Takes a bit of time to fully make a "good" layered cade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion Overall each cade has its ups and down, so to cade, it involves an insight on your location, the overall humans to zombie ratio, and how cades that are made behind or in front of your cade (For example: Whether the cade is front cade or back cade, or only cade made) Additionally somethings to note is that for caders, we should always note to look at the spots of where zombies will appear from and the shooting areas that humans can utilize to defend. Remember, the people who make cades work are the people who can damage said zombies. As well as to be a cader overall, you must be creative, have an open mind, and best of all hope your cade is versatile, its easy to add or remove props, as an ever-changing cade is much better than a cade that is still the same as wave 1. (Meaning use props that have more life compared to the ones that are close to dying.) (This guide is still incomplete, but I will continue adding onto this guide later on as I wanted to post this as soon as possible for caders to have levels of creativity in their cades and what to think about when cading, also sorry if this guide was a little bit messy, but I promise to make it better later on)
    1 point
  2. Hey guys im kinda new but kiinda not lol im just here to say WAZZZZZUPPPP lol
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Hey There, Welcome to HG. I am one of your Divisional leaders. We are all glad that you joined us! Do not hesitate to reach me or @Tex if you need anything at all. Feel free to also reach out to one of our staff members and or moderators. We look forward to playing with you and seeing you around.
    1 point
  5. No doubt !! Thank you Bosch
    1 point
  6. Welcome to the HeLLsGamers Community @Badshot, and CS:S Division in particular. If you need anything you can come to me or other CS:S leadership for help, I'll be PMing you the CSS New Recruits guide just incase you haven't checked it out yet. We are happy to have you and enjoy yourself, we have a great community, you've already met one our most outstanding individuals @Admiral MacK he I'm sure won't mind helping you out too if you have any questions or need help in the future! <3
    1 point
  7. Handled here: https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=235514-quetzal Thanks for the report!
    1 point
  8. I just wanted to thank everyone who hit me up on Ts3 yesterday wishing me a happy birthday, I'm 31 now, where's a cane for this old man but thank you everyone for the love and support, HeLLsGamers has been like a 2nd family to me not just CSS but the whole community. Everyone has been great, thank you also to everyone who puts their free time in to help work for the community aswell. I stand strong with my family here, and I am so pleased with how strong we have become and the support we give one another, thank you again to everyone! Special Thanks To> @Tex @EddieCam @SMD @imasonaz @Admiral MacK @Misc2008 @ValueSensei @Talbot @Tack @Thomasjosif @Chains @hammNswiss @The Peacemaker @Combine @MAINE @Silly @JarJarBinks @McLovin81 I know I probably missed some people, but just wanted to say from the heart, I appreciate you guys, especially when it comes to personal stuff. The understanding, and love I have been shown makes me know that I am in the right place, with the right people. <3 Your Friend, BOSCH
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. @Uni Play Clair de Lune by DeBussy and think of me <3
    1 point
  11. even though I was on the CE Team for a short time you helped me when you could. thank you for your time as Ce Leader
    1 point
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