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Remove Random Set


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Ignoring the completely bullshit and even more unfair exploit regarding going spec to fuck someone else who didnt get picked (which is pretty popular this days and i still have no clue why it goes unpunished since its an exploit). Having rng determine who gets zombie and who doesnt specially in obj or event maps is completely unfair considering we only get to play maps once every 30+ hours or so and i've had times where i get randomly picked in the same map 2 or even 3 times in a row which let's just say isnt fun.


And for those who argue that "it helps people cade without having to worry about getting picked" my suggestion is switching it for a "Humans further away from the supply crate will get picked" system. That way humans can cade the supply in peace and we have 1 less rng based thing to worry about and we get one step closer to a more balanced, non luck based gameplay.

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  On 8/1/2018 at 6:32 AM, pho- said:

LUCK is stuck in zs lol you can't remove it anymore


Yeah you can?. this isnt like a cultural thing that is "stuck in place and will take years to remove" its a videogame gamemode, just delete all the luck based stuff lol


Extra Edit: Also all of the luck based stuff isnt even gameplay vital, its just side things that happen to be game changing like bonus crates (like a certain "completely rare" bonus that we totally never get that i wont mention)

Edited by EngineTrap
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Damn if it's so simple as "just delete all luck stuff" stop complaining and do something yourself. We get it you got picked off the RNG list and want to have a whinge.

I have seen you use random boss and use shortbow to farm bonus crates, so I really don't understand why you are complaining.


RNG is stuck in zs, people will cry if it is removed, it has been part of zs for a long time and will not be removed. Also, if you're gonna say it's just "a videogame gamemode", find something else to cry about

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Title should be called 'Remove random set because i got picked' - I have seen more people (me for example) get picked all the time on that particular set and not complain. From what i have i heard going spectator after being picked on random set makes you zombie default on the next map (i could be wrong about this) if that makes you feel better.


  On 8/1/2018 at 6:44 AM, pho- said:
I have seen you use random boss and use shortbow to farm bonus crates, so I really don't understand why you are complaining.


This is also a good point, why are you complaining?

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  On 8/1/2018 at 6:44 AM, pho- said:

RNG is stuck in zs, people will cry if it is removed, it has been part of zs for a long time and will not be removed. Also, if you're gonna say it's just "a videogame gamemode", find something else to cry about


Once again, it is not stuck in zs and i have no clue where you get this idea from, No other zs servers have luck based systems other than hg and All the luck based stuff that we do have is side shit like bonus crates and random set. those are the two things that are rng based, also hpk and max threat but that isnt really game changing as much as it is free points for humans or zombies. But its not stuff you could call "gameplay vital" if you get what im saying, let people cry about it getting removed who cares as long as the game changes for the better and allows for a more enjoyable experience.




  On 8/1/2018 at 6:44 AM, pho- said:
Damn if it's so simple as "just delete all luck stuff" stop complaining and do something yourself.


1) I am not a coder and even if i was im not and will never be on hg again so i dont know what you want me to "do myself", Im already doing an effort trying to make new maps whether you like them or not.




2) Despite this I am doing something about it, im making a suggestion with possible solutions to an existing problem. Because luck based or not the spectator exploit is an exploit and it causes harm to the server.



  On 8/1/2018 at 6:57 AM, Talbot said:

This is also a good point, why are you complaining?


Because i want the server to be a better, more rewarding experience for everyone, not just me and the solution is so easy and obvious it makes me wonder why people deny it exists when its right there. Like I said this isnt a deep social issue that has multiple shades of grey. Its a gameplay issue with either a) you fix the broken non vital luck based system by getting rid of it or nerfing it to where its not gameplay changing or B ) you dont.


Also the "you use bonus so your point is invalid" isnt a good argument, Im using what this server provides to at least TRY to have fun but it doesnt mean i dont want a change or i love the feature and it doesnt mean there shouldnt be a discussion around this issue.

Besides i barely get any bonus crates and the few times i do its low gravity or something dumb so i dont get your point. Rare are the times where i get something note worthy and even then i get fucked over by a bigger random game changer like jihad party.

Edited by EngineTrap
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  On 8/1/2018 at 7:08 AM, EngineTrap said:
1) I am not a coder and even if i was im not and will never be on hg again so i dont know what you want me to "do myself", Im already doing an effort trying to make new maps whether you like them or not.


We go back to the same point. If it is true, stop complaining.


  On 8/1/2018 at 7:08 AM, EngineTrap said:
2) Despite this I am doing something about it, im making a suggestion with possible solutions to an existing problem. Because luck based or not the spectator exploit is an exploit and it causes harm to the server.


Why do you want the random set to be removed when you just said it yourself there are other ways of fixing it ? (preventing people from going spectator on said set)


I don't get why you just want it removed after being picked on it, never seen you complain when you are NOT choosen from it.

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  On 8/1/2018 at 7:08 AM, EngineTrap said:

Once again, it is not stuck in zs and i have no clue where you get this idea from, No other zs servers have luck based systems other than hg.


The reason HG performs well above other servers is the presence of bonus crates and cards. This counts as rng no? Removing this would reduce player count.


  On 8/1/2018 at 7:08 AM, EngineTrap said:
let people cry about it getting removed


This is way too hypocritical, if you're gonna cry for change, then everyone has the right to keep it from change.

RNG isn't all about you, nor is it about me; it keeps players on the server and will continue to keep them here.

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  On 8/1/2018 at 7:21 AM, Talbot said:

I don't get why you just want it removed after being picked on it, never seen you complain when you are NOT choosen from it.


I've been criticizing the rng system for months now, ranging from memes to sarcastic comments to actual complaints and suggestions even when i dont get picked or when its in my favor. So i dont get this point.


Secondly the solution is to remove it and replace it with something better

  On 8/1/2018 at 6:28 AM, EngineTrap said:
"Humans further away from the supply crate will get picked" system


  On 8/1/2018 at 7:27 AM, pho- said:
The reason HG performs well above other servers is the presence of bonus crates and cards. This counts as rng no? Removing this would reduce player count.


Bonus crates are rng by its simple nature and design. Its literally RANDOM CHANCE TO GET A RANDOM BONUS for gods sake. And random set literally has the word random in it. Cards arent that much of a bother and are a much better example of way better rng by the simple fact that getting a level 10 glock isnt gonna win a game, meanwhile getting bottomless clip or jihad party or forceclass can have huge impacts on a game regardless of how well a team is doing. There's been times where i have seen people about to loose and barely clutch through because 1 guy got lucky thus fucking over the other team's effort regardless of how well or bad they were doing.


  On 8/1/2018 at 7:27 AM, pho- said:
This is way too hypocritical, if you're gonna cry for change, then everyone has the right to keep it from change. RNG isn't all about you, nor is it about me; it keeps players on the server and will continue to keep them here.


Nah. It isnt hypocritical. I loved the XM shotgun back in the day and that got removed and replaced without "my right to keep it from change" and i didnt cry about it, Same with the Chem zombie when it got nerfed to shit. And like i said before in this post Its only a suggestion , im trying to start a discussion around it because I would really like to see the arguments of how rng is good and balanced and how it brings player numbers so i can change my mind but all i've seen so far is constantly trying to debunk my right to have an argument instead of answering the legit issues i've brought up.


I have still yet to see how exactly is rng gameplay vital aside from "it makes people join", which btw its not even a major factor of why people play on this server in the first place, Most of the old players dont really rely on bonus crates that much because they are random and too unreliable to be of any use other than random luck. (and even if you farm them like a mad man because of their random nature you could get 4 low gravity in a row or 4 bottomless clips in a row for all the system cares when you could be spending your time cading or repairing or just shooting and getting way better profit and card rewards instead of waiting for rng gods to bless them) and the newer players are too new and still learning to even know how to get them or how to use them So i dont get how this affects "player numbers" (In fact I could make an entire essay about how hg zs works and how it got its audience way before anything rng related was even introduced but its not the point)

Edited by EngineTrap
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  On 8/1/2018 at 8:05 AM, EngineTrap said:
I have still yet to see how exactly is rng gameplay vital aside from "it makes people join"


Simple, a supply spawns randomly around the map, not in the same boring spot people always find in maps, being OP or weak, it encourages players to move out of the same place.


  On 8/1/2018 at 8:05 AM, EngineTrap said:
There's been times where i have seen people about to loose and barely clutch through because 1 guy got lucky thus fucking over the other team's effort regardless of how well or bad they were doing.

These are rare events and are not always there.


  On 8/1/2018 at 6:28 AM, EngineTrap said:
"Humans further away from the supply crate will get picked"
This is obsolete on objective maps which turned out to be the kind of map you got picked on, i still don't see why the need to remove random set when it could just be fixed to avoid said issue on your first post, like for real, you just want it removed because of your anger.
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Everything is RNG is ZS, dont think you can remove rng stuff so easliy. If you'd want to remove all RNG stuff that means you would remove "Random Boss", "Bonus Crates"


Then, inaccuracy is pretty much RNG, Shooting with a boomstick at medium range would or wouldn't kill the zombie even if you load 4 shells in the chamber they can still just miss the target,


  On 8/1/2018 at 7:08 AM, EngineTrap said:

Once again, it is not stuck in zs and i have no clue where you get this idea from, No other zs servers have luck based systems other than hg



Finally, no vanilla zs also has RNG, once i shot 4 shells with my boomstick on medium/long range with 4 shells loaded and got 260 damage on a zombie

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  On 8/1/2018 at 8:37 AM, Talbot said:
Simple, a supply spawns randomly around the map, not in the same boring spot people always find in maps, being OP or weak, it encourages players to move out of the same place.


This is a good point, and im glad you brought it up because i actually like the supply dynamic, its a good example of rng and it changes the game up a bit and forces humans to make the choice of sacrificing free points for a better spot if it spawns in a rarely used area or having to stick with said area. Just like with the cards i dont mind this aspect.


My issue is with bonus crates, and random set, more with bonus crates than random set but still.


  On 8/1/2018 at 8:37 AM, Talbot said:
This is obsolete on objective maps which turned out to be the kind of map you got picked on, i still don't see why the need to remove random set when it could just be fixed to avoid said issue on your first post, like for real, you just want it removed because of your anger.


Because i feel its unfair, not only for me but for everyone. I feel equally as bad when i get picked by random chance with no way of getting off than when a friend or some poor random gets picked. To become good at zs you need to learn, and let's be honest as fun as it is to zmain sometimes the focus on zs has and always will be the human aspect, zombies boil down to respawning bullet sponges at the end of the day and with all the random crashes and stuff going on 24/7 that force people to become zombie by random chance i feel like adding an extra official rng layer to that doesnt help. But i dont know. Maybe its just me.

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  On 8/1/2018 at 12:05 PM, TheDarkDevilRo3 said:

its kinda bullshit in tantibus that its random set even tho it doesnt say its actually random

Where you get tantibus from. Tantibus is random set on hg just because the spawns are glitched as fuck on hg and chooses people closest to spawn and keeps it set. Want to avoid being chosen. Go afk and then move once round starts

Edited by Boxsnake
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  On 8/1/2018 at 6:28 AM, EngineTrap said:

Ignoring the completely bullshit and even more unfair exploit regarding going spec to fuck someone else who didnt get picked (which is pretty popular this days and i still have no clue why it goes unpunished since its an exploit). Having rng determine who gets zombie and who doesnt specially in obj or event maps is completely unfair considering we only get to play maps once every 30+ hours or so and i've had times where i get randomly picked in the same map 2 or even 3 times in a row which let's just say isnt fun.


And for those who argue that "it helps people cade without having to worry about getting picked" my suggestion is switching it for a "Humans further away from the supply crate will get picked" system. That way humans can cade the supply in peace and we have 1 less rng based thing to worry about and we get one step closer to a more balanced, non luck based gameplay.


You're suffer about RNG its same as CSS and CSGO ZE does it. CSS/CSGO ZE players didn't complaint about it but you....

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  On 8/6/2018 at 12:25 AM, metagamer666 said:

You're suffer about RNG its same as CSS and CSGO ZE does it. CSS/CSGO ZE players didn't complaint about it but you....


Brushing aside that caveman sentence, I wasnt saying rng is bad and should be entirely removed, I like some aspects of it, others aspects not so much. At the end of the day Im just saying it could be certainly improved upon, I apologize if my post title sounded a bit clickbaity.

Also i dont care about CSS/CSGO ZE, this is Gmod Zombie Survival. Keep the rng in the 4 or 5 ZE maps we have, I dont mind, Most of them have a thousand replays to make a fortune in points anyways. I just want to improve and discuss the aspects we have to deal with on the other 80+ normal zs maps.

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  On 8/1/2018 at 6:57 AM, Talbot said:

Title should be called 'Remove random set because i got picked' - I have seen more people (me for example) get picked all the time on that particular set and not complain. From what i have i heard going spectator after being picked on random set makes you zombie default on the next map (i could be wrong about this) if that makes you feel better.




This is also a good point, why are you complaining?

I think you are right the normal getting picked is okay, its just luck but what really is annoying are ppl that get choosen in random set and disconnect and you get picked for it thats really annoying
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As previously posted in my suggestions topic, i would really like to add a feature to prevent already picked people from becoming spectator so other people who werent on the list dont get chosen last second. As stated before by others in this topic, randomness can keep the game fresh and not be abused and give everyone a fair chance at the game.

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