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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/19 in all areas

  1. I'm not sure what impact having this would make on what we currently have when it comes to permanent upgrades. We have cards for specific weapons that increase the stats for those specific weapons.The stats that improve as a gun card levels up could include: Damage Accuracy Reload speed Clip size Penetration and these stats vary from gun to gun. A firearm like the Ricochet Magnum can get an extra clip size when reaching Level 5, but an assault shotgun like the Ender Automatic Shotgun wouldn't at the same level. Making it so each weapon has its own independent level, card, and upgraded stats is balanced such that a player doesn't become too strong using any firearm, which would be the case if we made the stats listed above universal upgrades. On top of that, establishing specific upgrade improvements for each gun enables choice and freedom to decide what the player wants to focus; it's more fun this way, and for the case of Zombie Survival, it forces point-whores to spend more to get more. Most importantly, keeping upgrades specific and separate across different weapons is logically-plausible. A universal upgrade that increases a gun's accuracy by 5% would be a boon for a weapon like the Grim Reaper Machine Gun, whose spray is ridiculous, but would be completely useless for a weapon like the Gluon, whose accuracy is pinpoint. By making weapon upgrades specific for every weapon, although it takes more work, it's the best approach towards making weapon improvement sensible and fair across the board. This kind of suggestion would just be more work on our developer for little impact and gain, so I don't think this is a route we would want to take, especially since so far, our card system is functional and fairly-balanced about 90% of the time. Fire rate is an attribute that we would want to avoid increasing for balancing reasons. The faster a gun fires, the higher the DPS if all the bullets hit a single target. Zombies need to close in on a human to attack, and one of the main reasons why people, who foolishly run outside to shoot zombies with little practice, die from getting caught is because they can't dish out enough DPS to kill a 300 health target, dealing only 20-30 damage on average per shot. Fire rate is a contributing factor to this issue, but it's fair for the zombies to deal with because that way, they are able to run up and kill humans that decide to run around. If we increase fire rate, humans could kill zombies before they even reach them. Even if most of the shots fired are missed, humans could easily reload their gun and fire fast enough to kill what's left of a zombie. This is one of the benefits of having multiple people firing at once because essentially, the more people shooting results in higher DPS not because there's more damage output, but because there is a higher fire rate from more bullets being shot in a short interval. This concept is what makes heavily-populated barricades difficult to breach. The point I'm trying to make of all this is that fire rate is a stat we stay away from for the reasons above. No offense, but this sounds like a point-whore idea, especially for point-whores who profit by shooting. Bandolier is fine and balanced as it is.
    2 points
  2. Abuse Report Abuser Name -hg- Evan Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID STEAM_0:1:34033492 Where did this occur? GMod What server? Zombie Survival How long ago did this take place? 10:32 Pm EST 04/10/19 Give us a brief description of the incident. Was playing Test Facility on zs redeemed into getting juggernaut was in starting elevator which closes after wave one. Letting myself die to trigger hurt, Evan then decided to slay me and leave the server right after doing so. Proof Links? https://imgur.com/a/FOyf59u
    1 point
  3. Abuser Name [HG] Wonderland [M] Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID STEAM_0:1:17029986 Where did this occur? GMod What server? Zombie Survival How long ago did this take place? 4/10/19 Give us a brief description of the incident. Brief Description: Use of server moderator mechanics to grief my experience. This is not the first time as evidenced by a previous report. As soon as I start barricading, I'm deemed at fault of "shitcading" and punished for it shortly after by having my barricade un-nailed right in front of me. Prior to this, a blue shelf was un-nailed and taken into the second room without any reasoning behind it. Situational Context consist of two rooms. I'm barricading the first room, Marcia barricades the second room. Additional info: For reference, This is the type of barricade (More or less the same) I formulated on making. As evidenced at 1:10. I/others gather props for the barricade. Prop gathering continues all the way until human zombie selection. Nearing zombie volunteer selection, 2:30 I observe Wonderland taking it upon himself to un-nail my blue shelf. I question this a little but gave him the benefit of the doubt and stayed quiet about it. Marcia was outside gathering props barricading props so there was no reason for Wonderland to un-nail the prop and take it back into the final barricade. Here's that same blue shelf taken by the way. It was unused til the end of humans losing. It seems as though the prop was never asked for to begin with but it was deemed worthy of being un-nailed anyways. Prop gather completed, Barricading begins at 3:36. Less than 10 seconds later, It's already being called a "shitcade". Keep in mind, I've just begun barricading and there's only one prop. 4:00 The Barricade is un-nailed as I work on adding the third prop. From this point on, it's self explanatory. Picture of the barricade before being un-nailed. Subjectively speaking, Wonderland made a attempt to justify his actions under the guise that zombies could crouch into my barricade. Henceforth why I stated the barricade is not "complete" until I make use of all the other props I claimed. I believe this requires time and motive to determine if it is a "shitcade". I'm not sure where how he determined I was guilty as within the time frame given. All I was told was I am "shitcading", Zombies can jump through the prop if left as is, and I did "nothing" to fix it. I feel as if he give's a warning, it validates his actions towards me for not listening. Even if the warnings were not accurate in what is a "shitcade". Last I recall, a good barricade is one where the person barricading has intentions to and makes a meaningful effort to create a barricade with intent to complete the game mode's objective. Simply put, Survive the zombie waves. I'm aware of the fault with that particular prop. I've been on HG ZS since it's server inception so it's not a issue of inexperience. Side information: At the end of the video, he claims I made a "shitcade". I'm not sure how the barricade even resembles a "shitcade" to begin with. It's a standard v cade without any props added to it yet. When he refers to the previous barricade, I can assure you it's not what was claimed. If he want's to claim that, by all means I leave the burden of proof to him. It is evident we humans did not survive long enough henceforth the map repeat. I can assure you that it wasn't a issue of barricades, rather a issue with lack of firepower. ZS experiences brain drain at night and not much teamwork happens sometimes. Proof Links? -Consolidated pictures into one url. https://imgur.com/a/3zH86Jk -If this isn't allowed, let me know.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Congratz on your promotion!
    1 point
  6. Very bad idea. Humans are fine the way the are right now. Pls dont make them more op, we already have cards for guns is that really not enough??? Along with the fact that it would need a lot of balancing to work in the first place
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Welcome to the HeLLsGamers community @Whatwuzthat. Enjoy your stay!
    1 point
  9. @Roberazo, the reasons you gave for removing the FUBAR don't make any sense. These are minor complaints that don't consequentially-affect the zombie and human teams in a significant way. These complaints would probably make people not use the FUBAR, but they aren't reasons good enough to warrant its complete removal from the game. It would be a waste of time to remove something from ZS for reasons like these. With that kind of reasoning, we might as well remove weapons like the Grenade Launcher for only having a 1-round clip, or remove snipers because most maps aren't large enough to warrant the use of a sniper rifle. We would consider, but not definitively-approve, to remove weapons from ZS that are either too overpowered against zombies, too underused and becoming very obsolete, or broken in some way that involved the server itself (causing lag; clipping errors; script errors, etc.). The FUBAR is fine as it is. It's still a high-level railgun that can insta-kill on headshots and pierce through stacks like butter, but it has weaknesses like ammo-burning, a slow fire-rate, and slow movement speed to balance its positives. I still see it being used as a T6 weapon on objective, so I don't know where you're getting the idea that people don't use it. You don't know for a fact this is the main reason players don't use this gun, Roberazo. Some players probably can't afford this weapon, some players probably buy it to sell it off to others, or some players buy and use it, but end up dying because they're Kleiners. I hear players say the FUBAR sucks, but the main reason is because they can't profit from using it; this is usually the reason for why a lot of guns don't get used; I rarely hear players say this weapon sucks for the reasons you listed. If players are complaining that they're moving too slow with the FUBAR, equip your Fists or Knife, run to a safe spot, then re-equip it; stop running around with it. If players complain about how it burns through ammo reserves, pay attention to where you're shooting and land your shots; don't fire freely and try not to miss. No offense, but these sound like reasons you don't like this weapon, not the players. Okay, not every poor player is ignorant of the FUBAR's existence. We have poor players on our server who've spent all their points on who knows what, and they've played longer than a lot of our regulars on the server, but they know about the FUBAR. Not every poor player is new to the game. Again, you're assuming something you don't have the evidence to prove. Bottom-line to all this: we aren't removing the FUBAR because it burns through ammo and players move slow with it. There are weapons that have these characteristics, and people don't complain about them.
    1 point
  10. Welkommen zu HeLLsGamers!!!!!
    1 point
  11. Welcome to the clan.
    1 point
  12. Welcome to the HeLLsGamers community @Whatwuzthat. While in college, commit your studying time towards understanding the material rather than memorizing it. Unlike high school, your grades in college are more dependent on and weighed by tests and exams than homework assignments, labs, projects, etc., but some courses are exceptions to this concept. Don't slack off, don't lag behind, get involved on campus with something you like and you should be fine.
    1 point
  13. Welcome to HeLLsGamers! Feel free to message me if you have any questions
    1 point
  14. Welcome. College is way more enjoyable than high school. If you're responsible, it'll all go well. If you're not responsible... your teachers aren't going to stay on you like in high school.
    1 point
  15. Welcome to the Cool Kids Club.
    1 point
  16. Welcome back buddday!!!!!!
    1 point
  17. This is something @Laces115 suggested already. @Uni I wouldn't set an explosives purchase limit to a single round because that doesn't stop players from buying and spamming explosives. One thing I proposed [I think] from Laces' similar topic was instead of having a limited stock of explosives, make it so that there is an infinite stock of explosives, but every player is limited to buying only 2 or 3 explosives per round. Claymores, det. packs, SLAM mines, and grenades all count towards this limit, which means that if someone wanted to spam explosives, they wouldn't be able to because they're only able to buy and use 2 or 3 explosives/ round. The exception to this is if they received a SLAM mine or grenade from the Worth Menu, which doesn't count towards the limit. Having this system in-place would also encourage teamwork by requiring every human player to pull their weight and points in to setting explosive deathtraps, rather than having one player set them all.
    1 point
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