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  1. Admiral MacK

    Admiral MacK

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/19 in all areas

  1. On this day, many others just like you and me, lost their lives in the terror attack of September 11, 2001. Almost 3000 people passed in the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon, and the plane that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. No matter race, religion, gender, belief, or whatever defines you to be you, we are all human. All I ask of you now is to take a moment of silence out of your plans today to reflect upon this tragic event, and say a prayer for the families who lost someone on this day 18 years ago. A prayer to the first responders operating beyond capacities ever imaginable to save and heal every soul they can hold. A prayer to the ones who did not know they didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to their loved ones. I don’t care if you don’t believe in religion, have mixed opinions about this day, or don’t understand why people choose to post about it this. This day is to show that we stand up taller after every time we get knocked down. This day is to remember that no matter where you live, we are all equal. We stand strong together against all who wish harm. If you know someone who did not survive these attacks, being mournful of their passing is not wrong, but never fail to look back at their memories with a smile to know that they lived their lives to the best of their ability; for they will never be forgotten. On behalf of HeLLsGamers, I recognize this day to remember everyone involved in the attacks of 9/11. My prayers are with all whose lives were lost, first responders, civilian and governmental heros, authorities that brought those responsible to justice, and everyone who contributed to the healing and recovering of anyone inflicted harm. We will never forget.
    7 points
  2. Psst... Take a look... There was an idea - And I wipped it together before headin out, lol.
    6 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Highlights and fights from our first event on the server.
    2 points
  5. Hey @Combine, Great work on the tag! Thanks for making it so I can finally get stuff done as an actual HGDC Leader rank on the forums
    2 points
  6. The day this happened is still fresh in my memory. I remember seeing it on the TV in my 8th grade History class as I was walking in. We sat down, we never got to that days lesson. A few people were talking like normal, we thought it was just a freak accident. Then we saw the second tower hit live on the TV, that's when everything changed for us. We knew something really bad had happened, but we sat there in confusion. We couldn't comprehend why it happened, we couldn't believe it was actually happening. Some people in class started crying, some kids left the room. The teacher let us know his thoughts on it, he talked to us like adults, he didn't try to shield us. Everything changed in an instant, we all came together. The kids in the class that never got along before, started talking to each other. We all came together. America came together that day, it shouldn't have taken that to do it, but people started to show what being an America was all about. For a while, life's small problems didn't matter anymore, what mattered was that we came together to support each other. We supported the EMS, Fire, Police, and the Military. We thanked them for their service, we helped them when we could. These brave men and women gave their lives to help anyone they could. Some are still giving their lives today due to the health complications from this attack. Is important that we teach about this day to today's youth, for it to become a day that "Some people flew some planes into some buildings" is a great diservice and a huge slap in the face to our first responders. If you know any first responders or military members, thank them today, and keep thanking them. Let them know they are appreciated. If you know anyone that was there that day personally, thank them. Anyone here that is a first responder, thank you for you service. I hope that your sacrifices, morals, and integrity will help today's America, not just the youth of today, but all people. I salute you guys.
    2 points
  7. Oh, oops. Nice graphic work with the McDonalds fries and Division Leader shield @Admiral MacK Now can someone make a tag for McLovin using a Big Mac?
    1 point
  8. Oh god.........................
    1 point
  9. btw heres my list of people who still play regularly. (NO PARTICULAR ORDER) 1. Fatbidus (Morb) 2. Big Panda Vietnam Noodles (Pho) 3. Acid0x (white kleiner) 4. 'WHO THE FUCK BOUGHT MY GRENADES" (Mclovin) 5. " I eat ZS 4 food" (KOR) 6. Big fluffy dog picture. (Talbot) 7. "Im on Season 2 Episode 7 of High School DxD, I skip plot and oNLY WATCH HENTAI NUDE PART" (Lammmmmmmmmmmmmbs) 8. Goat mannnnnnnnnnnnnn (Goatzy) 9. idk I add in future I cannot remember 10. ^
    1 point
  10. @Snowyamur I know i was just saying that because there's no "Sky Rise" on ZS but i just saw that you corrected yourself so all good
    1 point
  11. Management appreciates everyone who contributes to the community in any way. One of those things, is being apart of HG for over a year and we couldn't ask for better people. Let's start off with Staff Promotions. Huge congrats to: HG | Weebs [S] HG | SMD [S] HG | Vicious [S] HG | Raging [S] BUT, we can't forget our loyal members (or should I say... Vets!). Big appreciation to: HG | Meowing Banana HG | Helix CONGRATS TO ALL AND I LOOK FORWARD TO NEXT QUARTER!
    1 point
  12. @Snowyamur Thanks for the explanation but it is 6 waves at least not at most some maps have 7 waves.
    1 point
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