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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/19 in all areas

  1. NO, its way easier for zombies to destroy the supply crate than for humans to repair it. The reason the humans get the 50 is for going throught everything to get it repaired, thats the reward. The humans have to leave the cade if the supply is broken and thats very risky and can get you killed along with zombies hiding in the map. All the zombies have to do is attack it which does not come even close to what humans have to do. Zombies are way easier and already make getting points ez .
    2 points
  2. There was already a post on getting rid of bhopping bots and it was denied, it's to keep humans from spawn camping on later waves.
    2 points
  3. When zombies destroy both supply crates, they get a certain amount of points. (Such as 50,75, or 100) Just like how the humans get points when they repair supply crates, I feel like it's only fair if the zombies get points for destroying supply crates as well. (One more reason to z-main as well.)
    1 point
  4. This ^ Also this ^ Thanks for reinforcing this understanding, @F00L. If I didn't mention it above, I'll say what I told Lady Luck a while back. I'm not entirely against z-mains. While the incentive to z-main is to earn easy points for most players, some do it because it's fun, and those are the few rare people volunteering to take on a role in a game that not many people like to play. For that, I sort-of respect those people, even though I still find those people annoying to deal with because they get very good at their role. That aside, there's gratification if risk was taken to earn a reward. There's no gratification for earning +100 points as a zombie if all I had to do was destroy a supply crate, even one that wasn't guarded to begin with. As F00L mentioned @Uni, the 50-point reward for having a supply crate repaired while on the human team is satisfying because the risk comes with leaving the cade, even with bosses still lingering about, and potentially dying. For zombies, who have infinite lives, destroying a crate for a reward isn't so satisfying if the crate was left unguarded, which one crate on the map usually is, and all zombies have to do is destroy it. Even dying isn't a problem because of the fact zombie players can respawn; humans can't, that's what makes it exciting. I'm tired of pointwhores in ZS; they're common now, and it'll never go away. Admittedly, I was a pointwhore myself, but I've come to understand that pointwhoring requires working at the expense of others, and that's not okay. It's not always like this, but the definition of pointwhore is greed, and no offense, this suggestion reflects on greed.
    1 point
  5. Bunny hopping on bots is stupid they already have aimbot and they all go 700 mph and u barely shoot em coz they are to fast
    1 point
  6. Like snowyamur said no offence uni but this seems like an idea just to get more free points for zombies other than a suggestion that helps change the way humans should play with supply crates.
    1 point
  7. zombie survival's main purpose is for humans to defend against zombies using props, not rushing out and killing them before they even reach the cade. That aint no fun. The bots are here to prevent humans from overpowering the zombies, and bhopping is a crucial part of that.
    1 point
  8. Besides, bots are there to assist zombie team on low population. You are one of the people that usually demands bots being added when you are on zombie team so it is strange to me that you are posting this. Bots have their pros and cons, they are not available on every map, not every single one of them bhops and they are usually a bag of points given their low intelligence as a boss zombie. As for the 'either use a nerf or butcher' - These bosses are useful against a single individual, not packs of 5 or so where multiple humans can have speed perks and have better chances of surviving them. Also, there shouldn't be any spawn camping beyond wave 2.
    1 point
  9. @BOSCH As much as i love ya'll boschy, i got friends in a discord community that plays r6 and apex, so i hang with them alot because well, they play r6 and apex :D, but whenever i see the servers poppin i hop on, ttt was on yesterday and i left them to check in @EddieCam The gameplay in apex is pretty fun, it's different than every other br because it has "legends", which are characters with specific abilities, each legends has his own unique tricks, kind of like a moba, to some extent, so unlike other brs, it helps it stay fresh. Killtime in the game is relativly long(comparing to r6 and csgo/css), but it benefits teams who focus fire. Movement in the game is very slick, it has a super comfterable movement system(no surprise, it was developed out of titanfall 2), and the gunplay is very tight. Long story short, game is quite addictive, only downside is squads are 3 man, not 4 man, so you gotta cut someone, and the servers can be rubish sometimes because the game's netcode is horrible, but the netcode is being worked on, so it shouldn't be a factor. ALSO, THE GAME IS FREE, AIN'T NO HARM IN TRIAL.
    1 point
  10. I just came to do a rare 10-man, i'l take that xd, thanks.
    1 point
  11. Congratulations @EisenSkrt. Enjoy the prize.
    1 point
  12. I can not play for some time, but i voted no to save the people who would quit every obj map cause some people suffer from overplaying a lot of the obj maps.
    1 point
  13. I want more objective maps, but I don't want objective maps to be more frequent, so I'm a no for this one. Our ZS server gets so many new players everyday that most of them die within the first phase or two from kleiner filters. Because of this, the zombie team usually ends up being larger than the human team earlier than expected. Additionally, often times, we don't do an objective map well, and while its success depends on the objective map being played, this is true for all cases. Worst of all is that when players die, they ragequit, so our server population suffers from it. I don't want objective maps removed, ever, but I don't want them to be more frequent because that'll result in frequent server pop. extermination, as well as people whining and complaining even more. It'll be chaos.
    1 point
  14. new objectives are being worked on. But it's something that takes a very long time to complete.
    1 point
  15. i agree with you, but in my case it’s because I can buy t6 weapons at the start and the thrill of the difficultly of the map.(also its a gamer moment when we win so.) @welchnome
    1 point
  16. After the Fubar has been drastically nerfed, most people now view the weapon as a piece of garbage in a McDonalds coffee cup, but is the weapon really underpowered? The Fubar uses 20 fusion cells with each shot and its magazine can hold up to 120 fusion cells, with the damage output of around 300 with each bullet fired, [each shot does about around 15 damage]; While the Tau Cannon does about 25-50 depending on where you hit the zombie. (Keep in mind that the Tau Cannon is also cheaper) Which means that the Tau Cannon uses its ammo more efficiently with an average boost of 100%, but wait, do not come to the conclusion that the Fubar is just as garbage as fortnite v-bucks just yet. The Fubar penetrates zombies, and in most cases, when T6 is unlocked on a normal map, the zombies would be cramming at the front of the cade(s), making the Fubar very efficient at maximizing its full penetrative power. I've personally tested this weapon, and I can assure you that it does around 1200-2500 damage with each shot, which means that each fusion does about 60-75 which is almost 60% more powerful than each fusion cell the Tau Cannon uses. Now here comes the question, is the Fubar in its rightful place as a T6 weapon or is it way too weak to be in the T6 league? Post your ideas below! Buff or No?
    1 point
  17. dis guide is for humans you z main minecrafters
    1 point
  18. Abuse Report Abuser Name nick WILDe Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID STEAM_0:0:448883526 Where did this occur? GMod What server? Zombie survival How long ago did this take place? 02:00 AM Server time Give us a brief description of the incident. Teleporting himself to obtain higher tier weapons on early waves. Proof Links? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/956356742323077948/78AE9BBC4F4C5AECFF6DF968729FAD2FA3E5B884/ https://imgur.com/a/GOi4tWw
    1 point
  19. I think that is also the best solution to not lose profit. Just Zmain a couple of maps/rounds, get a few kills and you will easily make your points back that you might have lost in the past.
    0 points
  20. Heres something very simple zmain
    0 points
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