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  1. Finch


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/18 in all areas

  1. I know I just came back and you can choose not to listen, but regardless, I would like to start off by saying I apologize for not doing enough as staff and division leader in trying to get jailbreak back to where it was. I should have been willing to give up an arm for Jailbreak and I wasn't. It was the server that let me find HG and really the only server I ever played in HG. It is my biggest regret that i never fought hard enough to keep it alive. That said, the blame is not solely on leadership, but on the whole community. Staff should not have had to ask people to play on a server, or have events focused on populating the servers, people should just play. People would join for an hour when staff asked, and then never play again until someone asks again. I am tired of seeing the blame being put entirely on leadership despite the lack of effort from many members to play every day and not just when they were asked to. Now thats out of the way how do you get people on your server? You do whats popular. Yes that means being like the other JB servers. But is that a bad thing? I dont think so. If you ask me, repetition is what killed Jailbreak. We had the same map with the same activities every day. Once in a while something new (like wipeout), but eventually it is played so much it is boring. Jailbreak needs a map rotation. Different maps, with different activities, with new things for people to discover everyday. Incentive for players to come back because there will be something new to find or do. The bible needs to be reworked. Perhaps it is just the way it is formatted that it looks like you are actually reading a bible (no offense thomas). I think leadership and moderators need to sit down and just write an entirely new, more simple, list of rules, easy for new players to understand, using the current bible as a guide. We also need to be more lenient with new players. Lets say Bob joins CT for the first time. Bob doesnt know the rules well (because its his first time), and freekills some people. Bob gets tlocked. Bob leaves because rather than helping him learn the rules, admins just punished him. What are some solutions to this? We require players to have spent a certain amount of time on T before they can become a guard so they can learn the rules and how the game works. Dont be nazis with new players who dont understand the rules well, teach them how the game is played so they learn and dont do it again. Dont rule with an iron fist. Learn leniency. I believe rep also needs to be reset. This will provide incentive for people to play regularly. More incentive for players. I know suicide in his post suggested things like giveaways, such as free admin to the person with the highest play time in a given amount of time. I hope leadership hasn't just given up on Jailbreak, and does take this into consideration. Many people still care about this server. Jailbreak is near and dear to many peoples hearts in HG and is the server a lot of people found HG through. Clearly we went wrong somewhere. I have full faith that we as a community, all working together, can bring back our beloved server. I honestly should have never given up so easily and left hellsgamers and for that I am truly sorry. For not realizing this sooner, and to everyone who loves jailbreak and grew up in HG through it. Please, dont give up on Jailbreak as easily I did, or give up on CS:GO entirely. We should not give up so quickly. Perhaps im wrong and jailbreak truly is over for Hellsgamers, but I refuse to believe that given the popularity of other jailbreak servers. Please dont prove me wrong.
    3 points
  2. First off, I just want to say thank you to Supa for stating this thread. I know that many threads of this nature have been made, but we needed a hard reality check and serious discussion about JB. As many of you have already pointed out, this community owes everything to JB. I, just as many of you discovered HG through JB. It's impact and place in this community is too big to allow the slow and quiet death that it has experienced. I can't speak for everyone, but the CSGO divison wants JB to return. We have 1 server, but we are still very active. The homies are always hopping on TS regardless of whether or not we are playing TTT. And the feeling I get lately is that we are bored, twiddling our thumbs with nothing to do. We hop on to TS because we still want to hang, but everyone is just playing random games because we have 1 lowly server. And Honestly, TTT is not that fun. It is a good break from JB after a while, but I always want to return to JB. These are just my thoughts. I unfortunately cannot code, cannot map and am not a staff member. So I tangibly cannot offer any services to help the situation. But I still think it is valuable to express my feelings as a member. I would like to conclude by challenging leadership to have some serious talks about what can be done to bring the server back. It could be very beneficial to invite people like -Broken- to a staff meeting to discuss in detail what it would take to create a better plugin for the server. We shouldn't take the skills and abilities of HG members for granted. And that doesn't necessarily mean that -Broken- will do the coding (I don't want to volunteer him for that), but he seems like he can bring useful information to the table as you plan the future of JB. Thanks, Brick
    2 points
  3. Interesting topic to say the least. To be honest, I've had similiar feelings lately. Like many others, I found HG through the CS:S Jailbreak server... And while there may be no hope for the CS:S Jailbreak (i.e. CS:S is an old game), I'd say CS:GO still has a chance. We used to be the No. 1 JB community around... And now... I have to be painfully honest and I'm sorry because of it, we are in deep shit, whether we liked it or not. Pessimism aside, the revival of JB could bring us back to the old glory days. The server list Supa provided lists non-American servers. Why couldn't we be the only American one in the top 100 list? We can easily create a monopoly that could last well-enough to gain us some popularity and to keep it that way. I remember when WarOwl once mentioned us in one of his videos with something along these lines: 'Hmm, interesting to see Hellsgamers is still alive, they're one of the real OGs left'. Apparently, we aren't forgotten yet, but then again, we can be if we continue at this pace. Also, if there wasn't for the server blacklist because of the skins plugin a few years ago, we wouldn't have this problem. Sure, HG bible needs to be reformed a little bit. Punishing players for being new doesn't do shit. So many cool features have been implemented and yet no possibility of a temporary CT restriction for new players. Anyways, just my two cents. Thanks Supa for bringing this up.
    2 points
  4. I agree with what Supa said here fully, and anyone who knows me knows that I only really care for JB in csgo. Not going to get into the "my grandfather was a jailbreaker so it makes me sad to see it this way" shit, but this gamemode is a huge part of what HG is, and for a lot of people, is solely what HG is to them. For the maps, it's genuinely such a huge thing for there to be more than just our map. In other communities I have played in, population would spike when a certain map came on because people enjoy that map, and people in general enjoy being able to do different things. You know what I don't enjoy? Running into blue room or ktichen every three minutes and being told to stop ruining the rounds by people because I want to rebel. Newer maps introduce newer metas for guards, some maps are great for people that are good at sniping, some have tight corridors and smaller rooms that require the guards to excel in their aim, and feel good about themselves when they complete a successful day. It's the same for rebels, having more than two set places to run to from the start of the day opens up their gameplay so much and makes it that much more enjoyable for people who enjoy to cause mischief and add a little spice into the day. This also doesn't mean we have to get rid of the jailbreak map. I also agree with the rep/gangs being reset. A lot of people wouldn't be happy with this, some of the main arguments being "this is my rep I played hours to get it" or "I've donated all of this to my gang and now you want to take it away from me wtf" etc. The counter argument to that however is the fact that as the server is literally dead at the moment, their rep and gang rep means nothing. Whilst no I don't think just taking it all away from us for nothing is a good idea, I feel like if we are going to attempt a relaunch of JB then starting from scratch is what we need to do. My personal idea for this would be to give people 5 credits for every rep that is taken away from them. Whilst of course that could seem OP, as 60k rep would mean you'd get laser letters, but the rate of it was 1:10 whilst the server was alive, with people often valuing 1k rep at $1. This would mean that people don't feel like they've been left empty handed if rep resets do occur. For the gang side of it, I think that gangs should keep trails unlocked, but not made immediately available. I also think that the gang leaders should be given the rights to the name of their gang if they wish to keep it, or let it be taken by others if they choose to not play the server or if they want to make a different one, so some random guy who comes on for one day doesn't take bald men away, as an example. Another idea for gangs, to make it a bit fairer on the higher tier ones, is to refund maybe 1% of rep that people had donated so when the gang system is wiped some gangs can start going straight away. Whilst I know it is a LOT harder to make a server be populated than me or Supa sitting here throwing out ideas, I feel like even if we are focusing our main population efforts on TTT, we shouldn't just let the other servers we have gain a pile of dust on top of them. Whilst TTT is the main project, we should still be working on the other servers, and showing that we're not giving up, we're just building through a tough time in the division.
    2 points
  5. I never leave when its pizza time, cause pizza time is all the time
    2 points
  6. Hi everyone and yes i'm back with a new guide Now this guide will be very proper and cover all the topic i'll be talking on my previous guide . This guide will be split into a total of 3 parts . Part 1 : Introduction Part 2: Different Types Of Medical Supplies on ZS ( on HG Only ) Part 3 Ending & My thoughts on Medic Part 1: Introduction I'll will be comparing both TF 2 & ZS together In TF2 , There's different classes , the medic, the heavy , the spy etc etc this is the same as ZS, however in ZS, the classes are: Shooter , Medic , Cader , Suppler , Repairer & Defends Medic is the most important , they are the one in charge of healing other players to the fullest and making sure everyone is ok during the outbreak attack . Although sometimes there aren't any medic and everyone end up dying . Here's why MEDIC is very important ! 1) There will be some dumb bitches running like there's no big fucks ( New players tend to run around and dying , start whining that no one heal them ) 2) The Poison ( Certain zombies like Poison zombie , poison headcrab , Pukepus have poison and they usually throw or puke on players, which damage them every single seconds ) 3) Objective rounds ( In certain objective maps , there will be one or two part that requires you to hold up til the door opens , this is where most players will die so they will need lots of healing ! ) 4) The KASB ( Or the Kleiner ass sluts bitches , these are the one who tends not to listen and minge like big fucks , so they usually wants you to heal them and demands you to do it ! ) Medic does give you lots of points depending on the traits you brought from the worth menu Without traits it's usually Medkit: 3 points per heal Medical Handgun: 2 or 3 points per heal depending on where you heal them Medical Rifle: 2 or 3 points per heal Healing Ray: 1 point per heal Mednade or Medical Grenade: 1 point per heal or depending on how many players are in a room Part 2: Different Types Of Medical Supplies On HG ZS , There's 5 different types of Medical Supplies Medkit Medical Kit or Medkit ( in short form ) is the most common medical supplies to find around ZS . It allows you to heal yourself and other players however there's an recharge every few seconds Healing yourself: 20 seconds per heal ( 10 HP without traits per 20 seconds / 13 HP with traits per 20 seconds ) Medical Kit is very useful overall , as I've stated above, it allows you to heal yourself when hurt and also heal other players Medical Pistol/Handgun & Rifle Medical Pistol / Handgun & Medical Rifle are the same weapons . Both weapons allows you to shoot and heal at the same time However both weapons DOES NOT allow you to heal yourself , it can only heal other players Medical Handguns heals around 3 HP per heal ( 2 or 3 points ) Medical Rifle heals around 8 HP per heal ( 2 or 3 points ) Both weapons are useful if you're planning to be a shooter and medic at the same time ! Healing Ray Healing Ray is a new addition medical supplies on ZS . It's heals players without any recharge However Healing Ray CANNOT be purchase on worth menu , it can only be found on crates and cost around 180 points ( Correct me please ) Healing Ray heals around 1 HP per heal ( no Recharge ) Healing ray is very profitable and it's one my favourite medical supply weapon to use Although it's not really an weapon , it is an tier 4 weapon and only has 2 stocks left . Medical Grenade Medical Grenade is a useful grenade that heals players in one area . Once thrown , it will blow out a blue gas and it's call an healing gas . However you only have 20 seconds to get the healings you need before the gas disappears. Medical Grenade can ONLY be purchase on worth menu , this includes it's cousins Medkit & the Medical guns Medical Grenade cost around 70 worthmenu points so it's very expensive . Medical grenade has also the most SLOW recharge , around 1 min per heal ( usually prevent cheating or unfair ) Part 3: Ending & My thoughts on Medic In conclusion Medic is still very important , in any cases, you can just take out your medkit and start healing players if they are hurt Bleeding is the most serious case as they can bleed to death from certain zombies My thoughts is that if you're new on ZS , just start on Medic if you're into healing . I've been healing for years now ( 6 years ) and it felt very great although there were changes in the past few years, it still one of the most profitable way to make points . That's all i'll say for now , if there's any questions about Medic or healing, please leave a message down below and i'll answer them ASAP . Don't leave a private message to me .
    1 point
  7. The state of the plugin regarding having multiple maps isn't this bleak. The issues that I can foresee right now if we started throwing new maps on at this very moment would be having LRs with no analog on the new map and 300 locations are hard coded. We'd have to add some sort of feature check system and setting the plugin up for a new map would be a pain but it is feasible.
    1 point
  8. (can't quote on mobile) "S'all good. The only issue with that specific implementation is you'd have to edit the maps. It's easier just to have whatever the plugin language's version of include files is for each map that contains definitions for all the variable. And if we can't pull something off like that, the entire coding team needs wholesale replaced. If a coder can't do anything other than hardcode values, that's not a coder you want making anything for you." You've come to the right girl, I'd gladly edit a few maps to bring jb back. I personally feel like making the variables map based would be easier on the mapping team when it comes to map edits, but either way would be leagues better than the mess we've had in the past.
    1 point
  9. S'all good. The only issue with that specific implementation is you'd have to edit the maps. It's easier just to have whatever the plugin language's version of include files is for each map that contains definitions for all the variable. And if we can't pull something off like that, the entire coding team needs wholesale replaced. If a coder can't do anything other than hardcode values, that's not a coder you want making anything for you.
    1 point
  10. (can't quote for whatever reason so) This is actually all accurate, the plugin does break with every map update. And any update that structurally changes the map (adding or removing a room, decreasing or increasing an area) we have to update the coordinates for wardays lrs and teles. The programmers who firat started the plugin are long gone and our programmers constantly have to deal with the issues posed. (can't quote for whatever reason so) In Response to this, why do we even bother trying to keep the jb map then? If having our own custom map produces so much extra work for plugins and code whenever we want to update it, then having it literally has a negative impact on the server. We don't have dedicated Coders for JB and yet we want to do something that requires us to have them...
    1 point
  11. From what I recall the JB code is essentially years and years of different people coding over the same coding resulting in a sort of spaghetti of code and a lot of the code does involve our direct map "lr/teleports/etc.". Hence why whenever we make a map update the coding has to be updated to match said map update. So before we go throwing shit around about the coding let's also assume you haven't looked at it either. I really felt like towards the end of when I had the motivation to get on JB it really came down to the rules. I feel like we have a good population of leads and we have things to do it's just that we became so fucking anal on our rules. People can be new and I think people forget that and it really turned away a lot of the new population that joined our server BECAUSE we are different and our rules took time to adjust to. I'm not saying different is bad because I love how our JB functions, but something has to be done. I feel like leadership is always going to be the ones that should take up the reins (mods as well) because that's why they are here, but even in Suicide's post I see all these people going "JB is why I joined HG let's bring it back" they get on one day we would get a population then the next day no one would get on. This isn't a day and done type deal because we have to build up a population outside of our members and recruits. Yeah reset that shit. What good is everyone precious "earned" rep if the server is dead?
    1 point
  12. The Legend behind "Marvel" Stan Lee, pasted away today at the age of 95. \Post You're favorite Marvel Superhero or Villian & why: ---- The Juggernaut If he is injured his incredible healing factor kicks in he has once been reduced to a skeleton before and was able to regenerate.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Let me preface this post by saying JB is the reason I joined HG. I took a break after coming back last year due to how my wife was treated by the staff. I was saddened to come back only to see the JB server effectively dead. I guess it was a long time coming, suggestions on improvements and changes went unheeded and people aren't willing to do the same thing over and over again forever. That being said: That's bullshit. I'm a programmer for a living and offered my services multiple times to the community, I was ignored every time. If the current and past programmers wrote the plugin so that it was entirely dependent on the map, then I'm sorry but they are piss poor programmers. That means that every map fix, every map change, every map improvement could, and often would, break the plugin. If the JB plugin is truly so ingrained in one very specific map, this is an issue that has been stewing for far longer than any of us had imagined.
    1 point
  15. Thank you for supporting HG! Your VIP+ is now active
    1 point
  16. Theres no player limit? I can change that quick. Yea I don't really like that map either but everybody votes for it, same with santa, and then they leave
    1 point
  17. Man walks into a bar. Ouch.
    1 point
  18. Officer pulls this car over for swerving through lanes. The officers notices the red eyes and asks "Excuse me sir how high are you? the driver replies "no sir, its hi how are you"
    1 point
  19. i like the idea of having something to push out with, especially because no one pushes out with you.
    1 point
  20. What’s up, man
    1 point
  21. I thought I would just let you guys know what I've been working on for a while. This is just something for me to pass the time. I've been working on a universal translator for the server. It might not appear to be very useful, but is intended to allow those who don't speak fluent English to participate seamlessly with the rest of the server. At the moment, the back end language server is complete, and the client-side lua for GMod is all that's left. With the way I have it set up, you will be able to select your 'native' language in the options menu. Anything in chat not in your native language (either by looking at the native language settings of the sender, or by detecting the language using my language server) will be automatically translated. To you, you will appear to have spoken in your native language, but to everyone else, you will be speaking theirs. A small icon in chat will notify players that the message is a translation. This translation feature can easily be disabled in the options menu. The system is written to not involve the game server itself, except for when a player joins (their language information will be send to the language server). In fact, if a database is used instead of local client stored data, the game server would have no involvement at all, as the language server would be able to read directly from the database. The translation is a negotiation directly between the client, and the language server. The language server is relatively simple itself, and should easily handle the chat during a heated debate. The language server will add around 100 milliseconds to the time it takes a message to appear in chat, but only if the receiver of the chat message uses a different language, and has the translator enabled. This delay will only effect individual clients, and will not effect server performance. The translation events will also be non-blocking as to not effect the client frame rate. I should have a working demonstration within a week, assuming I have the time to work on it. Just wanted to get your thoughts and opinions, and see if you think anything else would be useful to add.
    1 point
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