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  1. Talbot


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  2. BOSCH


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/19 in all areas

  1. Title says it all, too annoying for zombies, humans just grab props used for cading and not give a f*ck about whether a cade is being built or not. I get that headcrab is great against a single gravity gun user but when we are talking about 10 or so just grabbing props meant to be for cades and shoving them into zombie spawn it's a different thing. Besides the fact that there are certain individuals who do what i mentioned and put the blame on caders for not making a proper cade even though they took their props.
    6 points
  2. Okay a few things I want to touch on. I don't think Fred is saying he is against people making funny gay jokes, he just wants a policy against using straight homophobic slurs like F****T. The Idea that being gay is a choice, and that people are born that way is ludicrous. Also touching on the thought that Racist slurs are different to homophobic slurs because gays weren't slaves is laughable. In the 19th and 20th Centuries almost all nations including Western Nations had laws on the books that imprisoned people for being homosexual, showing that they were very much persecuted including during the holocaust. There is also evidence previous to this era showing that homosexuals were persecuted in many different societies. I do not see how we will loose people or it will affect in-game populations by enforcing this rule is laughable, because when we use the warn/kick/ban policy on slurs like F****T, almost every person asks for forgiveness and to be unbanned and very few times have we ever had to reban someone for such language. We have paid admins who keep an eye for such things and rarely have we ever had a continuous issue with someone using such language. I also do not think Fred is saying that he is against people using such language in private dialogue. As a community, we should set a higher standard on what is allowed in public settings. As I said previous, if guys or gals want to make gay jokes without malice, that is no big deal, we just don't want slurs being used that are obviously hateful. Say I go into a Starbucks or any establishment with a friend, and he and I are joking around with one another using the F word without malice, but in the public area there maybe someone who is homosexual hearing us use such language, do you not think that person would be offended? I can assure they will be, same if the conversation was being had between friends using the N word, joking around between one another without malice, and a African-American man or woman hears all this in a public setting, whether we are joking or not they would and have every right to be offended. This is why I do not believe such slurs should be allowed on public HG platforms, if you want to use that part of your vocabulary in PM's or in a private setting, then no one has a problem with that. With that said, in the public setting we shouldn't. Who knows how many people who may have turned down being recruited into HG because they see/hear such language being used by our members. Please take all of the above into consideration. Sincerely, BOSCH
    4 points
  3. So I am not going to engage in any kind of debate or argument on this subject, but I will give my take on it. Racial slurs and homophobic slurs are both the same IMO they are both offensive to most people rather they are gay or a minority. They are discriminating / offensive / disrespectful words. Even if these words are not directed to a gay/minority person it still would make some people feel uncomfortable and they would possibly leave our community or not play on our servers and or not speak highly about us to their friends about us which is not good for us. We should hold a higher standard when it comes to this subject. Our goal is to set the bar high and maintain a great vibe and outlet for young kids/teens to come and enjoy themselves and make awesome friends to game with and talk to. We also want to look out for our current and future population. I can totally understand if people are in a private table channel and these individuals don't have any kind of issues with these words being used and are using them privately then so be it. But if these words are being used privately they should be used with care meaning people should ask if anyone has any issues with these words unless they already know they do or don't obviously. The only thing I would be concerned about as far as those words being used privately is that some teens may have younger siblings that are hearing these kinds of words and I don't think that HG should condone that kind of behavior and be a contributing platform for it. I know this is a very touchy subject as it should be some people will agree with me and some people won't and some people will be neutral which all is fine. We are a community and diversity is expected and inevitable. I do want to say that my opinion as far as In a game or in public TS channels these kinds of words should not be tolerated period. Again my take, and opinion on it, I am always trying to look out for the betterment/growth of our community in the past/current as well as the future of course.
    4 points
  4. Um absolutely not! We are alive and doing very well and going to continue to grow! Go and congratulate SMD on his promotion to a Division Staff position! [HG] SMD [S]
    2 points
  5. Homer has never backed down on that rule to my knowledge and no position of power supersedes Homer, this rule should be enforced based on that thread as it's still pinned and was updated in 2015 so it's clear that it was still wanted after 5 years of being posted. Added BOSCH's reply to the original post. There should be no confusion now that it's against the rules.
    2 points
  6. I would like everyone to refer to a rule posted community-wide by Homer " Variations of the n-word are not allowed in the community. Derogatory terms of people's race, religion, nationality, or phenotype are not allowed as well as sexual orientation. e.g. the word fa**ot. Please refrain from using that type of language, especially in a malicious manner. Admins, please exercise punishment with discretion based on severity of the variations used. e.g: "
    2 points
  7. Raven, The disallowed use of homophobic slurs is to prevent ones who take offense to it from having to hear and argue about it. This creates a more friendly atmosphere for everyone who is a Member/Participant here at HG. Multiple people who have responded in this thread, not calling names, but are going on their own personal view on the usage of the word(s). Not only does this portray a horrible image for those who want to join or already have joined HG, but also to see their Leadership members using a word that literally has always been an insult to whomever directed at, and immaturity of the user. This is not restricting someone's speech capabilities either; disallowing not even a hand full of words that have no meaning besides the disrespectful describing of a person who probably came here in hopes of avoiding this occurrence to go through it again. I respectfully see no reason for anyone to use homophobic slurs on any occasion. I personally feel that those who think that it should not be prohibited, are basically saying that any slur can be used and gotten away with. Because when we compare racial slurs to homophobic slurs, they are the same meaning but in different categories. Yes, one is considered severely more consequential if used, but that is because race is much more visible than homosexuality. In logistical terms speaking on behalf of the longevity and public figure of HeLLsGamers and through my own personal involvement and experience, uninhibited use of homophobic slurs only shows immaturity of HG in a general viewpoint. We have to remember, this is not a personal attack to people who are careless about the word. This thread was created to better the integrity and public figure of HG and anyone in relation to it. You must think of what is best for the community and what will expand it to a potential that it didn't have a week ago or a month ago. You can't spell Community without Unity, and that's what we need to retire this thread. Some need to be more open minded, some need to chill on the grammatical terms used, and some need to grow up and see the real picture here. If this was a true Community, we wouldn't be needing this thread. Because in our Community Guidelines, usage of slurs that can offend individuals is a prohibited offense. By needing actual discussion on this subject shows childish amounts of respect for a group of people who wish to be accepted. If I took offense to those words, and they had little to no restrictions, I probably would not be where I am now in HG.
    2 points
  8. 1 point
  9. @RavenR34 We are not blocking peoples overall speech, we are only talking about slurs, which we already do community-wide for racism and anti-Semitic slurs. With those slurs we use the warn/kick/ban rule, so we are not blocking something that offends us, but because it is a slur we are protecting others who play in our servers.
    1 point
  10. Congrats on your promo young fella!
    1 point
  11. Fume- If we enforce it leniantly with multiple warnings then it shouldn't lead to less people unless they're literally trolls or just actual homophobes and neither trolls nor homophobes should be around anyway. Eddie- I agree completely and I really appreciate the support, if they want to use that language I have no problem with it as long as it's in private, in public however it needlessly offends people. It would be fair to say that HG doesn't have much of a gay community so it's stupid to enforce rules protecting them, but has anyone really wondered why there isn't much of a gay community in HellsGamers? It's not exactly the most welcoming place for them if there's people throwing around that kind of language. It's not going to cause some massive depopulation adding this rule or changing a rule, TF2 and CS:S did it just fine and saw no depopulation, we have two cases where it happened and worked out just fine.
    1 point
  12. New Signature . Drawing is done by myself I use Madibang Paint if you are wondering
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Finally a good player in HG
    1 point
  15. You’re saying that I want this to be a community that publicly talks shit but that’s not what I said. I want people to be free to talk to their friends however way they want. Having friends in the community that you can hangout with and joke around with is what I’m hoping everyone is able to do. And I’m sorry, but yes.. Certain words are more offensive than others.
    1 point
  16. In response to Seymour Gay people had to suffer imprisonment, the holocaust, death in certain countries, as well as deal with a lot of day-to-day discrimination just as black people do, hell it's even still illegal in some countries, just because black people have had it worse in history does not mean that homosexuals haven't had it bad too or deserve any less treatment as far as not being discriminated goes. As the director of community engagement I'm fairly disappointed that you want it to be a community where talking shit is the norm in public, that stuff should be kept to PM and private calls.
    1 point
  17. I voted Yes, The use of homophobic slurs have always been to insult or describe someone of a differing sexual orientation. This is a horrible word to use in any community especially for comical reasons. This not only makes possible new -hg- Recruits think twice about joining HG if they themselves do not like the word, but could also stop visiting HG overall because of them or someone else taking offense to it. I've seen other communities having no restricting on this and their population on the servers as well as the clan members in total as dramatically lower. Little to zero restriction on this form of grammatical usage shows complete immaturity to the ones who decide to use it, but more of a view towards HG instead. The HG clan would not be viewed as professional or mature for not establishing prohibitions on the related words due to it's very advanced hierarchy as well as the amount of clan members, servers, server visitors/players, and much more. There are much easier ways of portraying emotions or feelings to friends or other players than having to use a word that historically means nothing but immaturity to the user and offense to the recipient. My over all view in this conversation is, it should have prohibited use throughout all of HeLLsGamers. This shows an extraordinarily larger amount of respect for the individuals who are of different orientations and not to mention the welcoming & comfort that we wish to grant any and all HG Members/participants.
    1 point
  18. Personally I feel homophobic remarks are for people who are inconsiderate or scared of how they really might feel. In reference to your comment on older age groups being able to take it, in CS:S we get an older audience, and people of my age 10 years ago may have spoke using such slurs, and I can tell you we were being inconsiderate. We did not consider that saying such things hurt anyone personally or mentally, and I can tell you now all these years later, I don't know many of us who still speak using this vocabulary. With age, learning and meeting new people you find yourself questioning your own previous actions as a younger person. We in CS:S use the same warn/kick/ban rule just as we do for racism or anti-semitic slurs. I fully support not using such language, I still find it is still the younger generation using all these slurs just as it was when I was younger. We as a community should take a stand by not allowing this use of language and so that HG is perceived and understood as being accepting of all.
    1 point
  19. This idea was already suggested by @F00L about 2 months ago. Still, I would like to see this be a thing since it would incentivize players to be Howler if they know they could make some bank or potentially profit off of it.
    1 point
  20. The above quote is from Staff regarding our Admins' actions. We do not want admins making up their own punishments, so see the following polity and procedure below. If someone uses any derogatory term, racial slur, or any variation of the n-word (including n***a) go to step 1. If the person continues after being warned to "refrain from using that language around here" go to step 2. If the person continues after a mute/gag expiring, repeat step 2. If the person continues after being mute/gagged multiple times, go to step 3. After banning the person, make a BAN REPORT with your proof from step 1 to log the incident to their player history. If the initial racism is extreme and in excess such as being spammed, the admin can instantly go to step 2 to bring peace back to the server. Admin steps: WARN (use admin chat "warn to refrain from using that language around here") (take a screenshot for proof of warning) MUTE/GAG (exercise this) BAN (2 hour max) REPORT BAN (report on HG Bans with proof that you warned them. Staff will escalate ban lengths depending on player's history.) Variations of the n-word are not allowed in the community. Derogatory terms of people's race, religion, nationality, or phenotype are not allowed as well as sexual orientation. e.g. the word fa**ot. Please refrain from using that type of language, especially in a malicious manner. Admins, please exercise punishment with discretion based on severity of the variations used. e.g:
    1 point
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