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  1. Imperial Knight

    Imperial Knight

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/19 in all areas

  1. What a beautiful car! What do you think about it?
    1 point
  2. Dakota carries me to solo win and gets rekt by zombies
    1 point
  3. You are so beautiful. You are worth more than any price and more than every star in this sky. Please, if you are suicidal, do not kill yourself. Don't you dare say the stars would still come out, the seasons would still change, and the world would still turn. The world would never ever be the same without you simply for the fact that you wouldn't be here. You are a part of something beautiful and you absolutely deserve to be alive. Not for anybody else, most importantly for you. Because you are important, you are kind, you are meaningful, you are worthy, you are an absolutely gorgeous human being. I don't care what religion, race, any stretch marks, scars, or body type you fall under. I don't care about your weight or your height or your face, I care about you. Even if I don't know you, you as a human being are incredible. Please stay strong and remember, always be you. Depression may never go away, those scars may never go away and those feelings may never go away, but you will survive. Life is not a situation of survival, it is about how you THRIVE. You only get one life, please cherish it. I know that lots of other people do. And most importantly, above all. I’m here for you. Contact me in any way, and I’ll try my best to help you, I’m no expert but I’m here to help.
    1 point
  4. Even as someone who is experienced with Source related games and modifications to increase the overall graphics of a game, this was rather confusing. Could you possibly specify when you listed, "... just open up Task Manager, select the Details tab, find hl2.exe, right-click the program, and then set the priority of hl2.exe to either Real Time or High..." Because I tried that on different versions of Windows only to find nothing. Adding detail or even screenshots would greatly help. Now I normally get 500fps+ in game on my PC when made unlimited, but my laptop can't get above 30fps in any game or server even with an Nvidia GFX 1050 in it. I've personally done everything to it and I've come to the conclusion that it just has a manufacturing defect, because with an Intel i5, GTX 1050, 8GB RAM, and an excellent network, lag doesn't make sense.
    1 point
  5. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Garry's Mod In-Game Name <Uni> Location Stamford, CT How old are you? 17.8 Which games (servers) do you play on? ZS How long have you been playing on our servers? one or two months What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_0:0:165170324 Why do you want to join HG? I've grown attached to this gaming community, feel like its time to actually be a part of it. Its nice to be part of something and support its cause. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing on our servers. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Do you have any current VAC bans? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Any other information you want to include? If you check my steam profile, you will see a "Game Ban" of which I got around half a year ago, in csgo, if a player is issued a "Minor Disruption" through overwatch, which means that the certain player has been either been extremely toxic, or has "griefed" other players. In my case, I was issued a minor disruption through overwatch by killing my teammates in multiple competitive games, I was playing around with my friends, they shoot me, I shoot them, the usual stuff. I do not fully understand why i was overwatched in the first place, perhaps because the enemy team was mad or someone report botted me because they thought I was cheating. And to verify my claim, the same thing happened to the csgo youtuber Anomaly, he explained it in this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SYufghJLQA. And just incase you are a bit confused of the other VAC ban on my profile, its from a few years back on the game Blockade 3d, its sort of like Minecraft, but with guns. Now that I've covered what I believe is everything, please consider this application and if you have any questions feel free to ask them. Thank you.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I would remove the gravity guns ability to throw props and decrease the price instead of removing the gravity gun altogether. Gravity gun makes cading convenient when it's not being used to throw props, also my reasoning to decrease in price is to compensate for the lack of throwing props. Also, some people may say "people will just bring out the props or throw the props out", there's a rule that the server added to dis-premote this behaviour
    1 point
  8. Hey guys It's Jessica or My name is jessica as many of you know or if you're new and never heard of me , i'm an HG recruit and the medic on HG ZS server i've been doing medic for 4 years now ever since I came and play on HG , on their ZS server and I wanted to do this guide for a long time now and I want to shout out to Thespear on his guide on how to be a good medic for dummies , I find that guide to be really helpful for the starters who is starting to do medic ok now i'm going to shut up on the intro and move on to the guide ..................so enjoy This guide is split into 5 parts Part 1: The Basic Part 2: The Types Of Medical Supplies Part 3: The Important Players Part 4: The Special Events Package Part 5: The Recommended Loads In Objectieve + The Ending _________________________________________________________________________ ( Part 1: The Basic ) Ok so let start the basic if you know the basic then you can skip to part 3 so the basic is always the same , we heal players and get those 3 fucking points that is basic to everyone, even myself But you can get the returns and traits these two prove advantages and disadvantages Returns Advantages: Give you extra worthmenu points Returns Didadvantages : give you different weakness ( e.g clumsy , slow etc ) Traits Advantages : Prove good benefits ( e.g give you 4 points per heal instead of 3 , extra ammo when using resupply etc ) Traits Disadvantages : Cost Worthmenu ( e.g 20 , 30 , 60 etc) Now I would really recommend you to pick the first few returns if you're not shooting and doing medic the whole round and also some traits if you're going to be medic the whole round of the game , then get the returns like slowness for clumsy and other returns similar like that , you will have to think of your own risk for traits they prove benefits like it gives you extra medical supplies , ammo muscle , you get to carry heavy props easily etc I would recommend getting the surgeon this is really important as it give you 4 points per heal instead of 3 points per heal _______________________________________________________________________________ ( Part 2: The Types Of Medical Supplies ) so in HG ZS , we have - Medkits ( 3 points = 15 hp , if surgeon , 4 points = 20hp) - Medical Rifle ( 2 - 3 points = 11HP) - Medical Pistol ( 1 - 2 points = 3 - 4hp) - Medical Grenade / Mednade ( 1 points per heal = 3 hp ) Now Medkits is always what most players will get so it is really useful ( Advantages for medkit: allows you to heal other players and yourself Disadvantages for medkit: Recharging , others players = 9 seconds per heal . Yourself = 20 seconds per heal ) Medical rifle is also very useful , clicking the right of your mouse allows you to heal other players ( Advantages for medical rifle : allows you to heal other players and only takes 3 seconds recharge Disadvantages for medical rifle : doesn't allow you to heal yourself when hurt ) Medical pistol is OK , similar to medical rifle , but when healing , you only earn 1 - 2 points PER heal ( Advantages for medical pistol : Allows you to heal other players and only takes 5 seconds recharge disadvantages for medical pistol: doesn't allow to heal yourself and only let's you earn 1 - 2 points per heal ) Medical Grenade is an grenade , it allows to heal a group of players in one area when players are low in health ( Advantages for medical grenade : heal a group of players in an small area Disadvantages for medical grenade: Slow recharge ) Traits Surgeon : Allows you to earn 4 points per heal instead of 3 points Banoiler * correct me if I spell it wrong * : give you extra ammo * HIGHLY RECOMMEND * _________________________________________________________________________________ ( Part 3: The Important players ) In ZS , we have a few types of players - Caders - Runners - Repair -Shooters - Medics - Suppliers | Caders | Caders are the MOST important players in the cade they are the one who cades and build like an shelter for us so it is very important to heal them as they always repair the cade I highly recommend you to heal the caders | Runners | Runners is a bit annoying , they mostly run around the map , around wave 1 and wave 3 so it makes them very hard to heal them as they run like big fucks most of the time , you will have to chase them from behind in order to heal them ( they may retreat to the cade if lower than 40hp) | Repair | Repair are the ones who repairs the cade which is similar to Caders however they don't cade but only repair so they are the second most important player for you to take care | Shooters | Shooters are the one who defends the cades so they are the third most important player for you to take care ( I highly recommend healing them at 50hp ) | Medics | Medics are the one who heal the other players however you may see some medics with low health , if they have medkits , I would suggest that you do not heal them if they have medical rifles , pistol or grenade , then yes unless they give an warning they are going to drop mednade so it's not recommended | Suppliers | Suppliers are the one that provide supplies such as ars crate , resupply boxes etc however it is not highly recommended to heal them as they usually have guns or medics with them ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ( Part 4: The Special Events Package ) In ZS, events are always held there and it's where all the fun began but one of the most fav of all players are the double points in case you don't know what is double points Double points is an event that allows you to earn twices as much for example : if you are doing medic , you get 6 points instead of 3 * if not using any returns or traits * Now I really highly recommend that you keep an eye on double points it helps you make profits and it is best when becoming an medic if you have surgeon , this is your chance to earn 8 points instead of 4 points per heal so I highly recommend if you use surgeon when double points roll around if you're using mednade , I would also recommend that as a way to make your profit when DP is on because the mednade only heals a group of players and you get 2 points per heal instead of 1 points you made a big profit now it all depends on how many players were in that small area I would recommend you to drop the mednade in the middle of the room *unless the room is small then you can drop it on the corner * ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ( Part 5 : The Different Between Objectieve And Survival + The Ending ) In Objectieve if you really want to be an medic for the entire round I would recommend these following load Load 1 = Medkit + a return related to shooting + surgeon + quick Load 2= Mednade + a return related to shooting + surgeon Load 3= Medical Rifle + Slowness * if needed , you can have an return and surgeon In survival if you want to be an medic for the entire round DO NOT PICK Clumsy or any of the bottom traits unless you are willing to take the risks ____________________________________________________________________________________ so that is the ending I hope you enjoy it if I misspell any of the words , please do correct me if you want me to answer your questions related to the medics i'm very happy to answer them and also please go check Thespear guide , he did an great job , and I highly recommend that for starters who want to be an medic If you're interest in joining my steam group which is called HGZSM ( HeLLsGamers Zombie Survival Medics ) You are welcome to , I would always put the top medics who made the most profit / good doctor ( Link of the group ) http://steamcommunit...lgamerszsmedics so yeah........that all I have to say Goodbye and stay Profits
    1 point
  9. The above quote is from Staff regarding our Admins' actions. We do not want admins making up their own punishments, so see the following polity and procedure below. If someone uses any derogatory term, racial slur, or any variation of the n-word (including n***a) go to step 1. If the person continues after being warned to "refrain from using that language around here" go to step 2. If the person continues after a mute/gag expiring, repeat step 2. If the person continues after being mute/gagged multiple times, go to step 3. After banning the person, make a BAN REPORT with your proof from step 1 to log the incident to their player history. If the initial racism is extreme and in excess such as being spammed, the admin can instantly go to step 2 to bring peace back to the server. Admin steps: WARN (use admin chat "warn to refrain from using that language around here") (take a screenshot for proof of warning) MUTE/GAG (exercise this) BAN (2 hour max) REPORT BAN (report on HG Bans with proof that you warned them. Staff will escalate ban lengths depending on player's history.) Variations of the n-word are not allowed in the community. Derogatory terms of people's race, religion, nationality, or phenotype are not allowed as well as sexual orientation. e.g. the word fa**ot. Please refrain from using that type of language, especially in a malicious manner. Admins, please exercise punishment with discretion based on severity of the variations used. e.g:
    1 point
  10. You could've just linked the public Steam guide to phase jumping in Zombie Survival here instead of wasting time making all these screenshots -> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383001739
    0 points
  11. imagine needing to use a bind for phasejump.....
    0 points
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